Three Rivers Contracting Ltd uses modern and reliable machinery to provide an extensive range of services to cover all your agricultural needs.
- Mowing, Tedding, Raking, Transport
- Film on film or net options
- Option of seperate bale wrapper

- Mowing, Tedding, Raking
- Harvesting, Transport and Stacking
- Direct whole crop head
- Govt certified scales

- Fodder beet and Swedes
- Precision planter with GPS auto shutoff
- Fertiliser application and 450-500 mm row spacing’s

- Large cleaning area leaving beet clean
- Tractor and trailers
- Truck and trailers for long cart

- Ploughing, Aerating, Power harrowing, Leveling, Roller drilling, Direct drilling
- 6×4 and 8×4 Tip trucks and trailers
- Tractor and trailers
- Silage, Baleage, Hay and Straw supplies
- Gravel, Rock and Bark chip
- Muck spreaders
- Slurry tanker
- Loader/ digger
- Grader, Trucks, Tractor and trailers